Social Media Comment Guidelines
Updated November 2015
Our social media pages are moderated to make sure they fit community expectations. We may delete comments or posts that we believe are abusive, inflammatory, disrespectful or otherwise inappropriate. While we welcome your participation, occasionally we may have to remove posts that don't fit our guidelines. Here are some communications guidelines to help you know what's okay and what's not okay to post to our page:
- Communications must remain respectful and on-topic.
- Please do not post profane, obscene, inappropriate, disruptive or unrelated comments.
- Please do not post information you know is untrue or misleading. No threats; personal attacks; abusive, defamatory, derogatory, or inflammatory language; or stalking or harassment of any individual, entity or organization.
- Discriminatory comments, or those that contain hateful speech of any kind toward any group, including age, gender, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or disability, are not allowed.
- No spam comments, which may contain or link to promotional products, items, other pages or sites, or any kind of virus, malware, spyware, or similar program that could cause harm to a user's computer.
- When commenting, submit your own original content, do not post someone else's copyrighted work unless you have permission.
- For your safety, please do not post personal, identifying or confidential information, including phone or account numbers or email addresses.
- If you have feedback about our content and are unsure about its appropriateness, feel free to message us privately.
- Please understand that we aren’t able to reply to all customer service issues through Facebook. If you would like to address a specific issue or complaint, we encourage you to contact Bluegrass Ultra-Transit’s Customer service department by calling (800) 456-6588.